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Sending Your Kids Off To College Ready or Not

Many of you will be sending you children off to college in the next few years (maybe this year).  And when you do, you will probably be asking yourself the same question Michael Kay mentions in this article:  “Have I given my kids the tools they need to navigate the next chapter of their lives without being under my roof? ”  This is an excellent article that will make you ask yourself some good questions.  I think you will enjoy it.  As always, I appreciate you feedback.



Walking through the airport in mid-August, I was surrounded by swarms of families saying their goodbyes as their teenagers embarked for their freshman college experience. Lingering hugs and tears—parents sending kids off to their next chapter, with lots of fears, hopes and unknowns ahead. I could empathize with them been there, done that. It’s a mixture of emotions that leaves you feeling happy, sad, worried and excited all at the same time. You ask yourself—have I given my kids the tools they need to navigate the next chapter of their lives without being under my roof?

And there’s the financial component. One less kid at home means you’ve lost a grocery bill, maybe some costs for gas, but the budget has just expanded exponentially: besides tuition and room and board, the cost of books, room furnishings, clothes, transportation, medical plans and all the extras that go well beyond the bill from the Bursar’s office. It can be a financial pain that keeps on giving, especially if you have younger children in the pipeline.

read the complete article here: Sending Your Kids Off To College Ready or Not.

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